boiling tubes造句
- The container is, in most cases, a glass boiling tube.
- A boiling tube is a large test tube intended specifically for boiling liquids.
- It is a laboratory tube used much in the same way as a boiling tube except not being as large and thick-walled.
- The screaming jelly baby is a common school chemistry demonstration in the UK . It involves heating potassium chlorate in a boiling tube to melt it ( to melt the KClO 3, that is, not to melt the boiling tube ! ), then dropping in a jelly baby-a source of sugar, to be oxidised by the chlorate.
- The screaming jelly baby is a common school chemistry demonstration in the UK . It involves heating potassium chlorate in a boiling tube to melt it ( to melt the KClO 3, that is, not to melt the boiling tube ! ), then dropping in a jelly baby-a source of sugar, to be oxidised by the chlorate.
- It's difficult to see boiling tubes in a sentence. 用boiling tubes造句挺难的
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